One stop into the grocery store will remind you that Valentine's Day is coming up. The cards are stocked, candy is out and items to trade line the shelf. But, Valentine's Day can be tricky. It's isolating for those without a significant other and emphasizing love because of one's value rather than romantic love is an opportunity often missed.
Introducing You Are Loved Popcorn Mix
to the rescue.
This mix contains a printable attachment reminding those who eat it of real love. Each included item is part of the message about Jesus' heart for them, their uniqueness, and how they make the world a brighter place.
It a message for all uplifting inherent value....and you get to eat a sweet treat, so you can't get much better than that, right?
I first did this as an all-age event in a congregation using assembly line fashion, with the bowls for mix creating first, items with scoops in bowls to follow (popcorn first), and the message to tape on the bowl at the end for people to enjoy during their Super Bowl gatherings. It'd also be easy to do as a focussed activity in a church/private school party to assemble, read the message, and then eat as a snack during program time. Families could make this in their home to enjoy or put it in small bags for many private school classmates/fellow friends in faith or the larger bowl as a Valentine's gift for a teacher/special person in your life. The opportunities are endless. And, it's peanut safe for all to enjoy.
You can find the You Are Loved Popcorn Mix printable with instructions and the message here. Enjoy!
xx Melissa
Additional Valentine focussed products include the Love From Above Cross+Gen, also easy and a blast to do in the church, private school, or home.