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Kick Off Sunday Prayer 2024: For Children, Youth, and Family Leaders, Parents, & Kids

Gracious God,

Here we are at the Kick Off of a new church education year. Please fill Children, Youth, and Family Leaders with confidence as they move into this week. Give them assurance that the time they've put into every detail of lesson planning, room assignments, and more is enough. We thank you for the volunteers that come alongside to make these plans a reality. The time put in to making this a great year is evidence of all leadership's love for You. And, the way they pour that love into their students is blessing.

Bring peace to parents' hearts as they find new rooms and share their child with another leader. New education years always bring with them so much new - new teachers, new classrooms, new styles - and that can be a lot for a parent to navigate. Open up avenues of communication between parents and their kids so that all on their student's mind can be addressed and hearts can be bridged. Faith-filled parents bring their child(ren) to Your Holy House to learn and grow in promises that sustain. Thank you for their commitment.

And, for the kids who engage anew in Sunday and Wednesday learning, free their minds of all distractions so that Your deep affection and Word can take root in new ways. From the tiniest to those getting ready to graduate, we pray they ask honest questions, share struggles, and better see You in the midst of their everyday as a result of their church learning and conversation. Your love for them is great and your plans good. May they know this always.


xx Melissa Nesdahl

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