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  • mel96066

Do You Trust Me?

Her hair was pulled into a tiny pony - the kind you choose when it's just long enough to reach for the first time - and pink and orange flowered ruffles fluttered beneath her appropriately matched life vest. As the waves crashed in, she giggled at the sand that would cover her feet and then recede. Moving with the ocean energy, her father pulled slightly back and held his arms out wide.

"Come here."

I watched as a battle of will quickly ensued. On the one side was her father, who clearly loved her, inviting her to experience more. On the other was a little girl who so desperately wanted her dad but feared movement with waves approaching close her height. She leaned forward and tapped her fingers but didn't move her feet.


My favorite story in Scripture is Matthew 14:22-33, when Peter is invited to walk on water. Peter is with the disciples in the boat and the waves are crashing in. Fear is real. And, Jesus, who is at a distance in the water, beckons Peter to come his way.

Peter knows he can trust Jesus so he instinctively gets out of the boat. But then the wind swirls and fear sinks in, taking Peter's focus off Jesus and what he knows in his head to be true and placing it on (temporary) human emotion. As he does, he begins to sink.

Sight is everything.


I imagine the boat feeling as unstable as that little girl's tiny feet. I could feel her magnetic pull to be with her trusted leader. And, I smiled as she bravely took a step, landing safe in his embrace - her high pitched squeal of joy once again filling the air as he spun her around in the water.

The story seemed to unfold before my eyes.

Waves that threaten to knock us down come in many forms. Life is filled with scary moments and situations that jeopardize our felt security. But, through it all, we have a trustworthy Lord that invites us into his presence with promise of safety and a better that we cannot imagine.

Will we look at the waves or lock in on his face?

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